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The Valla

Want to be a ‘Vallantine?’ and become part of ‘the world’s best kept secret’? Then, it’s time to start listening to ‘The Valla’ (or, as they describe themselves- a big, pink elephant!).

We all know the feeling of opening a bag of popcorn and saying we’ll ‘stop after half the bag’, then looking down an hour later to see an empty bag! Well, get ready to be like this with The Valla and their music- once you start listening, you won't be able to stop!

The only way to describe the personalities of this band is a pick and mix! With ‘Head of Year’ Hamish, ‘Can I have a tea break’ George and ‘Can I take my t-shirt off’ Jake to Greg, who runs at 100 miles an hour stood still, this band is bursting with life! They prove the power of music in bringing people (who are all very different!) together to create motivational music (and it all started on an ad on Facebook and Gumtree!).

I don’t know about you, but music is an escape for me- I can put my headphones on and silence reality. That’s the beauty music holds- anyone across the world can find a song which resonates with them. Take a chord of inspiration, a chorus of motivation and a strum of empowerment and you will have created the music of The Valla. The world today, especially the news, seems to be burdened with a constant reel of negativity which seems impossible to escape at times. The Valla and their music are the escape we all need. Their songs are like a sponge- they absorb the negativity of the world, but instead of making this the core of their songs, they make a difference. From ‘Strawberry’ focusing on pulling yourself together again after a tough time, to ‘Don’t bring me down’ focusing on keeping your mental health strong in a world of negativity, their songs will ignite a spark of motivation inside of you! Too often we let negativity win, but The Valla show how we can make a change (just by listening to their inspirational music!). Life may be hard, but we can always rely on The Valla to pick us up on a dark day and find the silver lining.

The Valla prove the power lyrics can hold.

Have you ever been at a concert and felt transported by the music and crowd around you? Well, for The Valla, this is the very reason they pursue their music- performing live is exciting, spontaneous and the perfect adrenaline rush for them all! After giving each other a hug before running on stage, the boys come alive when performing their amazing music- it makes the mentally exhausting 13-hour studio sessions worthwhile!

And, if you haven’t been lucky enough to catch them at one of their incredible shows, you may have seen The Valla busking on the streets. For them, busking allows them to boost their social media presence, audience and popularity in an intimate and authentic way (and we get a free concert, too!).

So, next time the world seems to grow too loud again, grab a pair of headphones and press play on The Valla- whether ‘Ice Cream’, ‘Make it Stop’ or ‘Out of My Cage’ comes on, you know you can rely on them to make us ready to take on the world again!

Make sure to check out The Valla on all their social media (@thevallaband), so you can keep up with their inspirational work. And, if you haven’t already, grab yourself a ticket for their upcoming gig on the 11th of October at the 100 Club London (it’s going to be a night to remember!).